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Staying on top of what’s hot this year

by Alchemiq Team
Quality Caterers: Virtual Restaurant

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As quality caterers, you must know what’s trending. Knowledge of the latest trends, will help your business stay afloat and relevant. A caterer who refuses to stay up to date with the trends can be at a disadvantage.

This is because modifications happen due to tech advancements. And unless you know the trends, you won’t be able to take advantage of them. You would be missing out a lot, and leaving a lot of money on the table. So, to remain relevant in your catering business, you should always stay updated.

The upward trend of tech innovations, and the popularity of healthy eating, have informed the trends in the catering business. Read on to learn about some of these catering trends.

Virtual Restaurant

A virtual restaurant unlike a regular restaurant operates solely by delivering food to people who order online. This trend has been on the rise since the post-COVID period.  People relied on it while recovering from the pandemic. 

It is cost-effective as it requires less space. It reduces operational costs. Not to mention your business can still enjoy the same profit yields as a physical restaurant. 

It’s no surprise that most restaurants with a physical presence today have taken to the virtual marketplace. That’s why you can order a bucket of chicken from KFC, and have it delivered to your doorstep. By that token, they are set to dominate the catering industry soon.

Less alcohol, more Mocktails 

Mocktails are popular in most catering businesses today.  If you’ve ever pondered on the question ‘what is a mocktail? You should know that a  mocktail is a non-alcoholic mixed drink. It is made from beverages and has zero alcohol. These creative concoctions are gradually taking booze out of the picture.

Most NYC caterers now add mocktails to the menu. Especially because it also serves as a great complementing drink for a vegetarian menu.

Use of Robotics

This is a new, unique feature in the catering industry. The use of robotics is not rapidly rising due to the cost of setting it up. But with time and good optimization, robotics will be in large use in the catering industry.

Quality Caterers: Robotics In The Catering Industry

Use of social media

Gone are the days when social media was only used by people for sharing photos and videos of themselves. Now organizations are making good use of the space to get traction and publicize themselves more and organizations in the catering industry aren’t left out too.

Restaurants or caterers need to have social media accounts where they can engage people. It helps you to attract ideal customers, most cost-effectively. Also, it can help quality caterers and businesses easily adjust to people’s demands. 

On a final note, staying up to date with trends in the catering industry doesn’t mean losing your unique taste. Neither does it mean not delivering high quality catering. The goal is to find the balance between staying up to date. And delivering great catering service.

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