Top 7 Most Unusual Cocktails

The Genesis of cocktails seems more like chemistry than anything else. Cocktail mixologists are more freelancers than chefs, who spend days or even weeks arduously trying to create a groundbreaking meal recipe. For most caterers, the world of cocktail-making is as simple as sleeping at night. And for most NYC caterers, cocktail catering is a viable side hustle. However, there are well-known and highly profiled cocktails to satisfy your gentry needs. There is also some of the world’s weirdest cocktail mixing. Here are seven of the most unusual cocktails from around the world, featuring a mixture of odd ingredients.
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Unusual drinks and Strange Cocktails You Have to Try!
The Crapper
Generally, food, drinks, and toilets should not be in the same equation or makeup. But when it comes to this particular cocktail mixture, you have no choice but to dip your head in the loo only after having a few shots. That is how most folks kickstart their evening at Rock and Ritas in Las Vegas. The crapper drink is a mixture of rum, coconut, chocolate, and some snickers log garnishing.
Popularly referred to as a man’s drink, the Negroni is among the Italian cocktails made with gin, a bit of Campari, Vermouth Rosso, and an orange peel on top.
Oyster Shooter
Seafood and drinks are two things that should not be found in the same place. But with an unusual drink like Oyster, you should expect nothing short of that. For lovers of seafood, this would be delightful. Oyster shooter is usually made by mixing 1 raw oyster, a teaspoon of cocktail sauce, and vodka.
This one tops the table of the most unusual and weird alcoholic drinks. The source cocktail is distinctively the only drink that involves human body parts. It is a mummified appendage of a previous bar, covered in liquor and all sorts. It is mostly used as a test of bravery between folks.
It comprises a host of items like veggie juice, tequila, chorizo, balsamic vinegar, port, pepper, and sea salt. All these are blended together to produce the “delightful” concoction, and it is usually served in a margarita glass, after which it is embellished with a thread of beef jerky.
Mexican Martini
Even though it’s called a Martini. “Martini” is more like a nickname for the drink. It’s a mix of Margaritas doused with a flash of olive juice on ice.
Tapeworm contains a mixture of vodka, Tabasco, and black pepper all together in a shot glass. And a squeeze of mayonnaise is added to snake its way to the bottom. Phew!! What a combo. You’d best avoid it if you value your tummy’s health.
When you’re wild and out and just curious to try out some unusual cocktails, you can add these recipes to what catering companies provide for your party. But remember that, as we’ve examined in the list of uncommon cocktails, there’s a fine line between an exciting experiment and something with a devastating consequence.